How would you like to achieve the physique of your dreams?
How many times have you heard that? Probably far too many, from all the fad diets and "ab machines" you see on TV. Those secret magic fat loss pills your sister bought with bright eyes full of hope, aren't really magic.
I'm not trying to be a downer here, but if you've ever wondered how the stars get their amazingly Adonis like physiques, know one thing: you're going to have to work at it. They did. And you're going to have to be disciplined. End of story.
That's not to say there aren't shortcuts. You will want to use the most of your time while exercising, and put the right things in your body in order to create that Hollywood Look. Grinding away on the treadmill for hours is not the way to do this, by the way. If you're looking to emulate the training and nutrition tactics used to get awesome results, keep reading.
Interval Circuit Training
There's a reason fitness models, elite level athletes and actors use circuit training as a large part of their fitness regimens; they are brutally effective at burning fat and strengthening existing muscle. They aren't the best for building muscle, but excess muscle is undesirable anyway, when going for that slim and toned look. Remember, definition is the key ingredient here, far overpowering the need for massive size. That's why high intensity circuits are so darn effective.
I'm going to show you my current favorite circuit training routine. You won't need fancy equipment here. Nope, one of the awesome things about this (and many other circuit routines) is that it requires very little equipment, not much space, and is thus very versatile as far as where and when you can complete this workout.
You will need one moderately heavy dumbbell, as well as a pair of lighter dumbbells. Oh and did I mention this workout is great for men and women alike? It will burn fat and tone muscle - Great news for both genders. For men, I recommend a 30 lb dumbbell and a pair of 15 lb dumbbells, whereas women should use a 20 lb heavy dumbbell and maybe a pair of 8 lb dumbbells. This at least, is a good starting point. Adjust accordingly.
This workout will utilize basically every muscle in your body, including ones you may not yet know exist (you will be sore the next day). It is designed to increase muscular strength and tone while improving your overall physical stamina. If gaining a ton of lean mass is your current goal, you can still implement this workout into your program, but it will be used to supplement your normal weight training workouts.
- Total-body interval circuit, lasting 41 minutes total
- You perform 10 different exercises back-to-back, and repeat twice for a total of 3 rounds
- Each exercise is performed for 1 minute. You get 15 seconds rest between exercises. After the 10 exercise circuit is completed, you get 2 minutes rest before starting over from the beginning again. Then repeat once more for a total of 3
- Reps need not be counted, but rest as little as possible. Try and work your way up to completing the workout without any stopping, except during scheduled rest periods
- This workout is very demanding. Beginners should modify the movements and perhaps reduce the time
The 10 exercises go as follows:
1. Goblet Squat, heavier dumbbell
2. Mountain Climbers
3. Single-arm DB Swing, lighter dumbbell, 30 seconds each arm
4. T-Pushups, alternating, lighter dumbbells
5. Split Jumps
6. Bentover DB Row, lighter dumbbells
7. DB Side-lunge and Touch, lighter dumbbells, 30 seconds each side
8. Renegade Rows, alternating, lighter dumbbells
9. Forward-lunge and Twist, heavier dumbbell
10. DB Military press, lighter dumbbells
This workout demands a lot of core and leg movements. If you're not currently working out your legs consistently, prepare for a rude awakening the following morning!
As mentioned above, mass-building is not the main result from this style of workout. If this doesn't matter to you and your focus is solely muscular definition, Workout Routine A will chisel you the quickest. If you want to partition your efforts and build mass while also toning, go with Workout Routine B.
Workout A
Mon: Chest/Back
Wed: Shoulders
Fri: Arms, bi's and tri's
Workout B
Mon: Chest
Tues: Back
Thur: Legs
Fri: Shoulders
There are many benefits to reap from incorporating this workout into your routine. It's extremely effective at leaning out and dropping body fat. It's also a full body workout, which is underrated in today's fitness world. It's also a great alternative to the treadmill or other less entertaining forms of cardio. As above, the only real drawback comes into play for those who are super concerned with packing on a bunch of mass. Heavy resistance training is the best route to that goal, which typically, intervals won't offer.
The Lean Muscle Nutrition Plan
Although exercise is a critical component, diet will account for about 80% of what your body eventually looks like. I know it isn't nearly as flashy or thrilling as the exercise portion, but what you put in your mouth will determine whether you can achieve the leanness necessary for this Adonis look or not. I'm going to recommend you choose the Paleo style of eating, which I have personally found to be the most effective way to lose fat at alarming rates.
Paleo is actually quite simple. Most importantly we are cutting out refined sugars and carbohydrates. This allows our bodies to keep insulin levels incredibly stable, as refined and processed carbs are the main cause of fluctuating insulin levels (which promotes fat storage). You are allowed to eat anything basically you would have found in nature, which is why it's also known as the Caveman Diet. Lean meats and vegetables should be the mainstay the the diet. Fruit and nuts are encouraged as well, but in moderation.
There are some other very useful tactics you can use to expedite your fat loss endeavors even faster. Intermittent Fasting is a great example.
Paleo Sample Meal Plan
Breakfast - Big omelet, including yolks, with ground beef and spinach, salsa on top
Mid Morning - Almond butter spread on an apple or banana
Lunch - Roasted chicken thighs, broccoli with slivered almonds
Afternoon - Spinach salad with olive oil and diced chicken breast
Dinner - Sirloin steak, mashed yams w/ cinnamon and coconut butter, broiled asparagus
Dessert - Fruit salad with agave syrup
So there you have it. The training and nutrition plan to achieve a body even your favorite star would envy! Give it a try for a few weeks and I guarantee you'll notice results, or your money back:)